It is becoming very common for college students to take some time off after they graduate. College graduation is different from any other graduation you have had before. This time you are considered an adult and entering society just like any other grown up.
If you are a recent graduate and finding yourself in a position where you are questioning yourself on What should I do now?, maybe you weren’t offered position that you desired? or maybe you just want to take the time off before entering that 9-to-5 lifestyle? or you are considering continuing post baccalaureate but not right now? You are not alone on this boat.
If you asked yourself any of these questions, I have few solutions for you to consider. There’s nothing wrong with taking the time off and I’ll be honest, I believe taking the time off after you graduate is absolutely something that everybody must do.
I mean when are you going to have time off like this again? You will have different priorities in life as soon as you enter workforce. Don’t forget to check out one of my favorite posts I did on Secret to Life Success: Getting Paid to Do What You Love.
Want to get inspired to continue learning? See Student Money Adviser’s top educational quotes to inspire you to keep learning
Are you ready to explore your options? Read on the best options where you can still put something on your resume and not just a blank period of time.
In this Post I go over:
- Travel
- Volunteer
- Start your own business
- Work seasonal job
- Become a guide
- Find an internship
1. Travel
Theres a reason behind putting this as my first choice to do. Traveling after college graduation marks the best time to travel, primarily because you are free of obligations that a job brings. Traveling is an important life experience and will give you a new perspective that could actually spark some great business ideas.
Check out my student budget travel tab above and find everything you need to know and my reviews on cities I am visiting.
Reviews include: Copenhagen, Denmark. Berlin, Germany. Mallorca, Spain. Barcelona, Spain. Rome, Italy.
What to put on resume: Well, don’t just travel. Find a way to make money out of it.
Some ideas:
- Start a travel blog and document your journey and grow your audience
- Take photos and upload them to places where you could get paid for them
2. Volunteer
Volunteering might not bring you money, but it is such a valuable way to use your time. You don’t have to travel anywhere to volunteer, volunteering opportunities are available right in your city. You can use websites like LinkedIn, Idealist, Taproot+. Just remember you are not just volunteering, but you are also building a network of fellow volunteers, supervisors, organizations that might be beneficial for you future work.
If you’re worried about money, consider some side gigs to supplement your income.
What to put on resume: Volunteering experiences definitely should be put on your resume.
3. Start Your Own Business
Having extra source of income does not have to always be a job. These days, starting a business is relatively simple and honestly all you need is a computer. This is why this blog was started.
People think that starting a business is a dreadful task and it is, but theres no just an easy way in life in any other way. There are many opportunities available for you to start your own business and if you turn your passion into making money on the side, congratulations! – you have just unlocked one of the unique life achievements!
The best part of starting your own business is how much you will learn. Every topic I wrote on this blog, I have gained so much knowledge from learning and researching it inside out.
What to put on resume: There’s just so much you can put on your resume, some ideas could be experience in social media, growing business, web experience, and much more.
Need some money on the side right now? Start earning today by playing games, taking surveys, writing reviews, and more…
4. Work Seasonal Job
Best way to experience new fields and at the same time learn new skills is to get seasonal jobs. Pursuing seasonal jobs after college could really get you to diverse work experience. There are so many seasonal jobs available like beach resorts, ski resorts, festival jobs, retail jobs, summer camp jobs, tours, and much more. If you are lucky and a great employee and you loved that certain job, you might be offered a position to fill.
What to put on resume: Many experiences you can put on your resume where you worked and gained experience in that field whether it is just assist with marketing, customer service, or register experience. As you can see you can put a lot on your resume to make you stand out.
5. Become a Guide
I know a few people whom are adventurous types. This field has been booming around the world and if you are into kayaking, bungee jumping, rock climbing, water rafting, snorkeling – turn it into a job. Many companies are looking for adventure type of young people to hire.
What to put on resume: Great way to put your passion of doing something into work. Many things can be put especially the one that stands out the most – is being a leader or leading a group of people, this is huge today.
6. Find an Internship
This goes hand in hand with working seasonally but if you are in a position where you are not sure what field you want to do exactly, then this is the best way to go. You can gain new knowledge and experience by interning. I have interned before and really appreciate the valuable experience I have gained from those jobs. Internship might also be done for credit and many internships are now paid.
What to put on resume: An internship will give you a great experience that you can put on your resume where employers will see how much you are interested in that field.
Bottom Line
If you just graduated and don’t know what to do, don’t worry – you are not alone. Millions of college students are feeling that way and it is completely normal to feel that way. Get out there and pursue new experiences, memories, and meet people!
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Richard Barnett is a student majoring in finance, entrepreneur, marketer, content writer, budget traveler, and financial blog “Student Money Adviser” owner. You can read more about me here.
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